Bougies en cire d'abeille : l'alternative naturelle
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Where is the worst place to get stung by a bee?

Where is the worst place to get stung by a bee?

Summer is just around the corner. And that means lots of picnics, walking barefoot in the grass and long days outside. Since we share the great outdoors with many wonderful creatures, chances are we will get in each other's way. Unlike wasps and yellow jackets, honey bees don't want to sting you. They don't want to sting you because if they do, they will die. The stinger becomes stuck in your skin. When the honey bee tries to fly away, she rips away part of her abdomen and internal organs and will die a few minutes later. But sometimes, it happens. And if...

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How to catch a Bee Swarm

How to catch a Bee Swarm

My Saturday did not go as planned. The previous week I was finally able to move my bees back to my yard. Last Summer I had to relocate them due to a construction site at my house. Happy to have them in my backyard again, I wanted to split the hive to ensure that they didn't swarm to the neighbor's terrace. You can learn about why bees swarm in this blog post. My bees had other plans though. I watched them swarm on Saturday, always a wonder of nature. They don't usually go very far from the original hive. I...

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Conseils de survie au pollen

Conseils de survie au pollen

Les abeilles sont occupées à bourdonner et le printemps est définitivement dans l'air. Cela signifie aussi du pollen. Bon pour les abeilles, mauvais pour les allergiques. J'ai rassemblé dix conseils utiles pour tous ceux d'entre vous qui veulent profiter de l'air frais mais qui ont du mal à le faire pendant cette période de l'année.   1. Timing : Sachez quel est le meilleur moment pour sortir. Le taux de pollen est le plus élevé le matin et les jours chauds et secs. Les jours venteux remuent le pollen et l'aggravent. Attention aux premières journées ensoleillées après une succession de...

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Bougies Abeille et Limonade

Bougies Abeille et Limonade

Usually when a candle is gone, that's it. But when a beeswax candle from apidae candles has burnt down, you are left with a beautiful glass to reuse. No waste.

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Plus d'abeilles s'il vous plaît !

Plus d'abeilles s'il vous plaît !

C'est magique.

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