I can't believe it's already 2015 and I still haven't shared with you one of the highlights of my road trip this Summer through the USA. We flew from Zürich to Miami in August. After a few days of soaking up some very tropical sun and playing in the humungous bath tub called the Atlantic, my husband and I packed our three kids, five suitcases, one pound of sand and buckets of seashells into a very large car and started off on our first ever road trip through the USA. Final destination: Michigan. Our four-day, 2500 kilometer journey took us through Savannah, Georgia, Asheville, North Carolina and Louisville, Kentucky. As we live in Germany where everything is slightly more compact than in the USA, I wanted my kids to get a feeling for just how big the USA is. Because we only had one night in each stop (and I just can't help myself), I meticulously planned out everything we would see, do and eat at each destination.
First stop: Savannah

After seven hours driving and many rounds of interstate bingo, we pulled up in front of the Andaz Hyatt in the historical district of downtown Savannah. We were quite happy to trade the car keys for the glass of wine (iced-tea for the kids) offered to us in the lobby. It got even better when we were allowed to leave the hotel and stroll the historic district with our wine. All we had to do was switch out our wineglass for a plastic one, and we were good to go (city law allows possession and consumption on the street of one alcoholic beverage in an open plastic container of not more than 16 ounces). My German husband and I were beginning to feel right at home in Savannah.
Just a short walk from our hotel was the Savannah Bee Company. The founder, Ted Dennard, discovered the amazing world of bees at the age of 13 when an older bee-keeper placed some hives on Ted's parent's property. At the time, the beekeeper cautioned Ted that "bees can become a way of life". Well, simply judging by his flagship store, I'd say he's hooked. You could label him a honey sommelier in that he seeks out true quality and taste. His store even has a tasting bar (a highlight for my kids). My favorite is the winter white honey, from wildflower fields in the Rocky Mountains of Idaho.

And if you've never tried honeycomb straight from the hive, you're in for a treat. We all got to try a piece. Combined with fresh apples and local cheeses, a symphony of flavor for your tastebuds.

The employees working in the store have a vast knowledge of all things bee-related and their enthusiasm is contagious. I couldn't resist the beeswax hand cream, propolis shampoo, beeswax lip gloss and fingernail salve. The Savannah Bee Company body products all use organic ingredients. Ted's vision is that Savannah Bee Company itself works much like a beehive, where everything and everyone who comes in touch with Savannah Bee Company benefits. You can donate to Bee Cause which helps educate children about the importance of the honey bee by installing observation hives in schools. Just imagine kids coming home begging their parents for a beehive instead of a hamster.

Savannah Bee Company is a must-see if you're in or near Savannah. If not, you can order all of their products on-line. But for me, it looks like they don't ship to Germany so I will be happy with the souvenirs of an amazing road trip through a portion of the USA.
Have you tried any products from Savannah Bee Company or do you have any other tips for Savannah?