Bienenwachskerzen: Die natürliche Alternative
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Flowers for Bees

Flowers for Bees

Happy first day of Spring everyone! And here in Germany, Spring really has sprung. I'm so excited to get back into my garden. This year I'm going to add even more space for vegetables. But as you know to get those vegetables growing, I need some bees. So in honor of the first day of Spring, I have gathered some favorite plants that the bees absolutely love.   1.  2.  3.  4.   5.  6.   7.  8.   9.     1. Asters: The Aster family has more than 100 different species. The aster is one of the most common wildflowers ranging in color from white and...

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Wild Bumble Bees in Trouble

Wild Bumble Bees in Trouble

A study published in the journal Nature last month reveals that wild bumble bees, and not only domesticated honey bees as so often reported lately, are getting sick. And it's the honey bees that are probably making them sick. Wild bee populations are declining and this study may help explain why. The scientists think that the managed honey bees may be leaving their pathogens on the flowers. They theorize that the unsuspecting wild bee then lands on the flower and thus contracts the pathogen to itself. This could be tragic news for the wild bumble bee as wild bees live...

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Honey Bees and Backpacks

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you've heard about colony collapse disorder by now (where honey bees suddenly disappear from a hive) and you already know that without these bees, our food sources would dwindle rapidly. But do you know how far scientists are going to get to the source of this global problem?  In Australia, where colony collapse disorder has not yet been reported, scientists from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) are attaching tiny sensors (2.5mm x 2.5mm) to the back of bees. Up to 5000 bees will be refrigerated for up to five minutes,...

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Adorable and Healthy Clothing

Adorable and Healthy Clothing

Natural and Quality…those are two words that I like to see together. And it's with these two words that Annette Cronenberg-Günter introduces her shop zierreich. Annette designs and makes clothing and accessories for children. Her designs are timeless and show loving attention to detail. Annette works mainly with organic fabrics. Well, you already know how I feel about the toxins that are emitted by burning paraffin candles. But what about the toxins that touch our skin or even worse, our children's skin?  Have you read about the latest study by Greenpeace investigating hazardous chemicals in children's clothing? Well, to give you an...

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Urban Beehive

Urban Beehive

Provided we take care of the bees today, this is what beekeeping could look like in the future. Wow!     As part of Philips forward looking design project called "Microbial Home", it has designed a concept for keeping bees at home. This hive is so beautiful that I would compare it to having a fish tank in your home, very soothing and meditative to watch. Imagine having a first row seat to the fascinating world of bees. The hive consists of two parts: entrance from the outside and the inside containing the honeycomb frames. Just imagine getting your honey fresh...

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